One bad interaction can ruin a guest’s experience. That could be anything from waiting too long to check into the hotel, a long wait to get a table at a restaurant or a distracted staff member that hasn’t noticed the guest waiting several minutes without being acknowledged. Nowadays, companies are taking extra measures to make sure that every interaction a guest has from the moment they arrive on property to the moment they leave everything is flawless and magical. From specialized concierge level training for the entire staff, minimizing wait times for guests, to designing customized scents that subconsciously becomes associated with a specific property, everything matters. What’s the first thing a guest sees as they arrive on property? Of course they often take notice of the actual hotel, the landscaping, the hotel marquee, but the first human interaction is typically always the valet.

As the first and last staff members to interact with guests, they’re often the ones who can establish or reinforce a guest’s experience. So why would operators spend so much time and money to focus on the guest experience, but neglect the area that guests will have their their first and last interaction? You’ll never see the valet park a 1984 Honda CRX outside of a five star restaurant, so why would you want the first thing your guests to see is a rickety tin filing cabinet, where the keys of their car will reside for the duration of their stay?

That’s why we enjoy working with our clients in offering our Defender Elite podiums. It gives us the opportunity to reinforce a hotels brand with different colors, finishes and guest amenities… such as customizing a podium that also included a refrigerator, where valet could give guests bottled water as they leave the property. The possibilities are endless.

It goes without saying that having the industry’s strongest valet podium ensures that guests have a memorable guest experience. At the end of the day, guest assets are safeguarded and there no risk of having to tell a guest their vehicle was stolen. But we’re talking about aesthetics here.. why cut corners and have an eye sore in the valet area when you can have a Valet Vault ?